Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice

Catholics are always encouraged to spend time with nature and listen to God’s creation. Pope Francis reminds us that “nature is filled with words of love.” (Laudato Si’ 225)

This Laudato Si’ Week, 16-24 May, the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice in Canada is inviting Catholics to also make time to listen to each other.

The Toronto-based organization has prepared two resources that will help Catholics grow in their faith and study Laudato Si’, which calls on all people to “hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” and better care for creation.

Victoria Blanco, the forum’s office and program manager, encouraged small groups to use the resources to discuss how they can help create a better tomorrow.

“This is the right time to look back at this document and look back at our faith and what it means to care for our common home and move toward a just recovery,” Blanco said.

“On care for our common home” is a nine-part guide that allows small groups the opportunity to dive deeper into the themes of Pope Francis’ world-changing encyclical.

Groups are encouraged to host a personal conversation using the guide, Blanco said.

She invited participants to discuss what life experiences made them want to care for creation so that participants can get to know each other on a deeper level.

“One of the most important things you can do to fight climate change is to talk about,” she said.

Blanco especially encouraged groups to spend time practicing active listening. “It’s important to not think about your answers before it’s your turn,” she said. “It’s not a debate or an argument. . .Listening is the key verb that we like to emphasize.”

“Living with limits, living well!”, the forum’s other resource, explores new ways to think about growth and the economy. The seven-session guide examines the social structures that contribute to social inequality and looks at ways we can work to reduce injustice around the world.

The Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice is a Laudato Si’ Week partner. More information is available at